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Love. The thing we all desire.  Most people, at some point in life, want to find someone to share their life with, a person that completes them in some way.  

Many people look for another person to "make me happy."  Maybe you've heard yourself say this very thing.  As nice as it sounds, is this real love?  Expecting others to fulfill your happiness? Or is there a much deeper love we are all desperately seeking?

Join me in today's show as we discuss the various perspectives and levels of love that we perceive here in the word.  We'll go over:

  1. The world's view of love.

  2. The ego's special love relationships.

  3. Spirit's representation of real love.

  4. How can you use spirit in your own special relationships?

If you are seeking love in someone else, and your expectations are falling short, then it might be time for a shift in perspective on love, where it actually lies, and what it really means to discover unconditional love.   The ego aspires to convince us love is something it is not.

Show Notes:
Anthony De Mellow Teachings


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