Spiritual Bypassing: What Is It?

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Many spiritual seekers implement spiritual practices into their lives.  These can be very beneficial, however when can they be used to avoid dealing with emotional or psychological conflict?  

Meditation, detachment, and going within to connect with your higher spiritual self offers tremendous insight, but is that the answer if you are still struggling in your relationships with people around you?  Can seeking inner peace within be abused where you don't know how to solve recurring problems in your actual life?

Join me today as we discuss the following:

  1. What is spiritual bypassing and where did the term come from?

  2. How does spiritual bypassing mimic escapism and avoidance of important issues in your life?

  3. Is there a gap between spiritual practices and applying those practices to practical living?

  4. Is spiritual idealism hindering your progress?

  5. How can you avoid spiritual bypassing?

Learn how to get real with where you actually are instead of striving for an image of what you think a spiritual person should be.  Gain insights into your own spiritual life and inquire if you are bypassing important issues that might need to be addressed.

Show Notes:
John Welwood Website

Interview with John Welwood


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