Hijacking Spirituality: Ascension, Twin Flame, and Manifestation Gurus

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There are many groups and movements that claim what they are doing is spiritual.  But do they really have anything to do with spirituality?  Is there some truth within them, yet eventually it shifts into the ego's territory?

Join me today as we go over a few interesting topics and see if there is a spiritual component.  

  1. First, let's talk about ascension or ascension symptoms and the theory that we are evolving from a 3D consciousness into a 5D consciousness.  

  2. Then, let's discuss the twin flame concept and a particular online group called the Twin Flames Universe.  

  3. Lastly, manifestation gurus are incredibly popular in today's market of dreams sell!  People want to change their lives, create what they really desire, and they often are willing to buy anything from someone claiming they have all the answers.  But is this spiritual?  What does being a spiritual person have to do with attracting things into your life?

We'll go over these particular concepts and the fine line between spirituality and when it becomes hijacked by the ego and its mastery.  Knowing this can make all the difference for you on your own spiritual journey. 


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