The Holidays: Transforming Stress Into Joy And Peace

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The holiday season is upon us and with that comes enormous amounts of gift buying, crowded shopping environments, Christmas parties, and family gatherings that can create inevitable stress!  

This exciting and festive time of year can often send many people into a mental panic.  If you are becoming aware of your mind's constant chatter, this is a wonderful time of year to practice observing just how crazy the mind can be.

Today let's discuss how to stay sane during the holidays and transform stress into joy and peace.  

  1. First, we'll look at why there is so much stress and question if there really needs to be.  

  2. Then, learning how to stay in the present moment amongst the chaos can make a world of difference as you traverse hectic spaces and anxious people.

  3. We'll also talk about creating a beautiful clutter free holiday space.  With added stress and congestion in the public arena during this time, coming home to your own sanctuary will revitalize your soul.  

  4. Finally, for all of the empaths, intuitives, and sensitives, we'll talk about how to manage the uncomfortable and overwhelming energies during the holiday season.  Discovering the tools within you to keep the nervous system in balance, will make your life much easier.


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