The Doer: Are You Really What You Do?

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Do you feel that you must be doing something in order to feel productive?  Are you attached to achieving something and if you don't you feel like a failure, you are lazy, or have no self-worth?  Today's show will focus on the concept of the "Doer," this constant need to be producing, gaining, or wanting something and the attachment to an expected outcome.

The mind loves to set goals, achieve them, set new ones, and strive for more.  Over time, you might recognize that even though you think you are going somewhere, aren't you really just right here right now?  Are we ever really going anywhere?  Aren't we still here doing the same things over and over again?

Let's break down achievements, our desire for them, and where the "Doer" stems from.  We'll chat about the reality of the world and how doing is a natural part of it. Then the discussion will shift toward the "Doer's" need to be a good person and which aspect of the mind grabs ahold of this. 

Finally, we'll wrap up this episode with waking up from the small identity and how to shift our relationship with the "Doer."


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