Parenting: Getting Real With the Chaos

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Whether you are a parent or you are around kids all the time, you know it can be exhausting!  Your fantasy of how it would be to raise children is now replaced with the realities of everyday life.  Any commitment to a parenting plan or style is now gone and you are spouting off all kinds of things you never thought you would say!

Today let's discuss the ideals of parenting versus the actual reality of it.  Then we'll compare the parenting approaches of the ego mind, which acts as the authority or a dictator, and the compassionate loving side of the larger awareness within.  This can help you identify which side you are choosing when you are parenting your kids.

Also, is it possible to parent with your spouse or significant other if you disagree?  Do you need to be a united front?  Let's examine this and see how you can establish mutual respect.   Finally, we'll end with the importance of apologizing and forgiving your children and teaching them it's okay to make mistakes.


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