Isolation Equals Contemplation

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Do you ever feel a strong pull toward solitude?  Does the desire for inner peace outweigh anything else in your life?  Have you had enough and need time alone?

At some point on the path of self-discovery, you will feel a knocking at your door, and  the desire to connect with something greater than yourself.  Mystics of the past have felt similarly, they've recorded their experiences during contemplation, and have explained how it altered their lives, which is still relevant today.

Today we'll look at detaching from the world when needed, how to get into solitude or isolation amongst endless distractions, and understanding what the ultimate purpose is.  Finding this deeper connection to the spiritual world during a time of isolation helps create this space permanently in your life.  

Learning to keep this inner peace as you come back into the world, live your life amongst your family and friends, becomes the true test.  Can you maintain the connection in this dual chaotic world?


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