Spring Clean Your Cluttery Space and Your Cluttered Mind

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Spring is upon us!  And it's always a great opportunity to clean out any of your personal or professional spaces.  Moving into springtime, especially if you live in an area where it is cold in the winter, watching the rebirthing of nature can symbolize a rebirthing within ourselves.  Why not start with getting your home in order!

Let's talk about clearing out old, stagnant, and stuck energy that may be building up in your environment, and why this might be happening in the first place, especially if you are a repeat offender.

Today's topics include:

  1. Your environment matters.  What you have created in your space can affect how you are feeling.   If you are tired, depressed, and feeling stuck, making simple changes can spark a desire for change within yourself.

  2. We'll look at the real cause of the clutter in the first place, the MIND.  

  3. Survey the scene.  No matter how big or small the space you are cleansing is, being prepared will make the project go much smoother.

  4. Finally, listing several ways to get your space in order can help you achieve the outcome you desire in making your space feel comfortable and serene.

If your home, your office, or any other area you spend a lot of time in has become overwhelming, then tune in today for inspiration to get your house in order!


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