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At some point on your spiritual path, fear is going to arise.  It might be subtle at first, and then come back with a vengeance.  

Fear is often looked at as a negative feeling, yet could it be an opportunity to shift perception?  Could it be an offering into something brand new, yet you are too afraid to look at it?  Most of us are too busy running a million miles the other direction to even let it show us the way.

No matter the level of fear you are experiencing there is always a way to look at it, understand it, and move past it.  Join me today as we start our discussion on the surface level of fear and then venture into a much deeper realm.

  1. Let's look at the common cover ups most of us experience about all different types of fear.

  2. Then, we'll use A Course in Miracle's' explanation on fear to better understand what the source of our fear might be.

  3. Finally, we'll talk about simple ways to work with fear as you experience it.  

If you've struggled with darkness and fear and nothing is working, looking at it differently may help you learn that it may not be such a bad actor after all.  Maybe it is exactly what you need to transform your entire life.


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