Staying Sane In An Insane World

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With so much happening in the world around us it is easy to get lost in the chaos.  The information overload can get very confusing and downright insane.   

Changing the world is a theme for many people.  The desire to make things better is present especially when we see inefficiencies or potential dangers.  Is that really possible in the dual world?  Can we change what seems to be a repetitive cyclical world?

Join me as we spend time today looking at how to stay sane in an insane world.  

  1. First, we'll discuss the world of duality and what that means.  When you understand how this world operates as a structure of opposites, it begins to make much more sense.  

  2. Then let's notice the different avenues in which the world represents insanity.   Really looking at the world in front of us will help you to choose where to find real peace.  

  3. Lastly, learn a few helpful insights into finding sanity within yourself as you navigate the world of chaos.  Applying these techniques into your daily life can save you a lot of unnecessary stress.


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