Real Happiness: Do We Know What It Is?

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Are you happy?  Does life seem to focus on the need to find happiness and you are rolling your eyes?  Happiness is subjective.  It means different things to different people. The question is, what does it mean to you?  Do you put your happiness in the hands of other people, or do you determine your own state of happiness?  

Today let's ask what real happiness is and how to identify it in your life.  We'll also talk about the idea of abundance and how many people put the focus solely on gaining material things, goods, and stuff.  But, how else can we see abundance in our lives that can guide us toward real happiness?  

Then we will focus on challenging moments in life that can help transform our understanding of happiness.  These struggles often guide us to a much deeper purpose and relationship with a much larger awareness.  

Finally, we'll discuss questions to ask yourself about what makes you happy in your own life.  Are you attached to external events for inner happiness, or are you focused on the place within yourself for contentment?  

Tune in and discover your own state of happiness and well-being.


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