Waking Up When Others Are Not

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Along your awakening process, there might come a time when you simply don't feel the same anymore.  You no longer feel like your old self, yet you have no idea who you are now.  There can be a state of limbo for long periods of time, and you may have difficulty feeling connected to anyone, let alone your friends and family.

Join me today as we touch on the following:

  1. Feeling like a loner or an outsider who is called to isolate for a while.  When is this beneficial and when is it detrimental?  

  2. Then let's see when you want to connect or disconnect from those around you and when it's most appropriate.  

  3. We'll discuss what it's like when no one understands you.  Because awakening is not a thing, it's not something you can measure or show someone, it can be challenging to use correct language when you share it with others.  They may not really comprehend what you are explaining to them.  

  4. Lastly, we'll end the show with how to integrate this new transformative feeling as you interact with your loved ones.


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The Cycles of Time: Are We Really Going Anywhere?


Awakening: What It Is and What It Isn’t