Staying Sane in an Insane World


There is no escaping the world is a dual world. This simply means this is a world of opposites. For every aspect, thought, belief, or preference there is always an opposite to it. There is the dark hidden shadow that exists behind the known, whether we are aware of it or not. That darkness stays present behind the light. Duality can be summed up as a concept meaning there are two, there is subject an object, you can’t have one without the other. Many will suggest that this is the function of the universe and the way in which it balances itself. Who really knows if that is true or not, but what is obvious is that there is a spectrum of viewpoints in this dual system. That is undeniable. How it all happens, why it happens, and if it needs to balance itself, is open to theory, conjecture, and interpretation.

Some may try to explain that having opposites keeps the world in harmony. This harmony is a means of balancing the extremes, to keep everything in some sort of working order. Just look at the Chinese concept of Yin and Yang, the light (yin) and darkness (yang) that compliment each other and form a universal system out of some sort of primal energetic chaos. The yin and yang stem from the ultimate oneness or the Absolute, meaning one infinite potential or power. However, on closer examination, is this world really full of order? Is this dual world balanced, in harmony, at peace, and sane? This is a subjective question, and it certainly depends on your current perception of the world, but let’s look deeper to see what this dual world really is.

On the spectrum of emotion for each individual person, there are numerous ways people react, feel, and experience the world. From love, joy, happiness, and excitement, to frustrating, anxious, worried, and fearful. These emotions appear opposite of each other. Most people will label these emotions, and the action of others, as good or bad, which originates from the very religious conditioning of good versus evil. This very fabric of our ego mind is projecting a world out in front of our very eyes that appears either one or the other. Most people see everything through this lens. It seems to be an inherent part of our psyche. We are born with this conflicted split mind and it is the source of the disturbance. However, when we are unaware that we have the symbol of false versus true, good versus bad, or right versus wrong, we can’t see beyond it, it’s like we stay programmed and conditioned to stay within the dual perspective. When we are stuck in this internal conflict, it is difficult to rise above the battleground to shift awareness.


You don’t have to look very hard to see that conflicting viewpoints are everywhere. In every aspect of society there are opposites. From individual differences to governments and political affiliations, to global alliances and global conflicts, to social injustices in every city in the world, to various media outlets, the entire medical establishment, the differing opinions with your colleagues at work, and down to the simple disagreements with friends. The amount of opposing viewpoints is endless in this world. In fact, this is a constant state of the world, opposition.

Within this opposition, each viewpoint believes they are right. Most people, organizations, groups, and non-profits, have a mission statement of some kind, are formed around a particular belief. There are often voices yelling and screaming out for unity, however, unity seems impossible in a world of polar opposites. And when the voices start rising, it is to believe whatever that group wants everyone else to believe. Where is the one voice that represents everyone? How can that exist within a world of duality? It appears it’s impossible.

So where does the insanity come in? Duality’s unpredictable nature, the repetitive historical events, the very uncertainty that exists in this world, the constant attacker versus the attacked, the victim versus the victimizer, and the constant changes and unknowns are enough to drive anyone mad. Is balance considered having one person harm another on one corner of the world, while someone else is surrounding another in love? Why is that necessary? Why is the harm needed? It just sounds insane.

The changing systems we live in, the numerous wars and battles that have been fought and continue to be fought, the hatred, violence, and horrific acts that are committed on a daily basis are hardly harmonious. Is this the balance of yin and yang and what makes the world go round? From a very simple analysis, human behavior and the ego mind are based on protecting and defending who we are as an individual, who we are as a group, or who we are as a nation. If we are under any threat the instinct is to attack and maintain our existence on all levels. Repeating this behavior over and over again and getting the same result would be considered insane to Einstein. It is reported that he famously stated this, yet who really knows if that is true. However, it seems to make sense, repeating something over and over again and never moving beyond it can be seen as crazy. Is that what reincarnation is all about? Returning to this world over and over again expecting a different result, yet when we return, we find ourselves in the same mental trap, the same dilemma, stuck in a cycle we can’t seem to get out of.

Another aspect to examine in the world is the media’s constant attention and persuasion for the public to stay completely locked into the sea of endless information. Without questioning the headlines, or thinking about what is being presented, it can be very easy to just believe everything that is being promoted. When every channel begins to bark the same exact agenda, the same phrases, and talking points, that seems to fall outside of the dual world of opposites, doesn’t it? How can there be one loud unified message coming off the television, the social media platforms, the celebrities, the influencers, or any other platform with a large audience in a world built on duality and opposition? That seems odd.

As human beings we have conflicting opinions all the time, this is a regular occurrence in this world. Yet, the media dominates with a consistent message that doesn’t welcome opposing thought. If you question the narrative you are at risk of being so-called “cancelled.” Are you scratching your head on that? How is that possible unless there is a larger agenda or motive at play. For instance, in a room full of inquisitive students learning a particular subject, and if that room of students is encouraged to critically think and use logic and reasoning, you will have various realizations, opinions, questions, debates, and interpretations from each student. This is not happening on the mainstream media today. There seems to be a push to divide the population. If you disagree with what we say, then you are not welcome to be heard. Although this seems absurd, dangerous, and concerning all at the same time, it certainly fits into the concept of the dual world representing pure insanity.


Knowing that the world is based on the concept of duality, changing it, which is a constant theme of the louder voices, seems impossible. Can we work to change certain things, absolutely. Can we work together to make a situation better, yes. But, can we really change having opposition? Can we change that for every person who believes one way, someone else will think the complete opposite? Should the mission be to change everything about the world, or should we learn to accept what this world really is and turn our attention to the divinity within us? Is it time to go deeper and connect to our larger sense of awareness, to feel the pull toward who we really are?

There is no permanence here. Everything changes all the time. People come into the world, live a temporary amount of time, then leave the world of form. Getting so attached to a world that presents itself in disarray half the time, that allows for unspeakable suffering, and works to stay conflicted seems so far removed from our true nature of inherent love and peace. When seen from a deeper perspective, it seems that seeking to change the world is just another movement along the hamster wheel of life. Maybe waking up from the world is our purpose of being here in the first place. When you recognize there must be something more than this world’s false offerings, which is nothing of permanence, your desire to discover who you really are is more important than working to save a world that cannot be saved. It is in its own collective chaotic act.

You can feel passionate about advocating for change, you can participate and help to improve the various conditions of the world. As long as we are living here, it’s nice to make our experience the best we can make it. Working with others who feel the same is what allows change to happen in this world. But within that desire for change, it’s important to recognize the duality of each thing you are working toward because the pendulum will always swing back and forth, that is the nature of this world. Hoping for it to be any other way is just a misinterpretation of what this world represents. This world is nothing more than a distraction from our real home in God. It will work to know end to make sure we believe in it full throttle, hook, line, and sinker. It’s merely up to you to evaluate where you are in your own spiritual journey, and where you are with your attachment to the world needing to be a certain way.


There is a deeper analysis into duality that is worth looking at in order to awaken from its repetition and find a place of sanity within yourself. If the world is full of opposites, as well as actions with equal and opposite reactions, then you can be prepared for anything and everything to happen. Dropping a predetermined expectation or outcome of any given situation is one of the first things you can do to alleviate anxiety, destress, and to stay calm. If you are aware that people can behave in unexpected ways, that governments and organizations will project unimaginable scenarios for the public, and that life can present you with personal hurdles you never saw coming, you are in an open state of mind and can work to find a place of sanity as the world continues to spin in chaos around you. You will not be shocked when the world presents itself with another unbelievable insane scenario. This is not an easy feat, but it is absolutely doable with consistency and practice. One thing you can guarantee is practice will always be available, it’s simply a matter if you will implement it or not.

Another way to find inner stability through the many storms is learning to find that sacred stillness within. When you can move your attention within to this inner calm, you can be available for others when they are caught up in the midst of insanity. You can provide the space for them and be there as a caring person, with compassion and empathy for whatever they are experiencing. If you stay calm, relaxed, and open to hearing them without any judgment or reaction, they will naturally calm down. They will begin to feel this field as well. Allowing yourself to stay in this sane position, will enable you to live more peacefully through life. You are not living under any false illusions that life is going to be perfect, quite the opposite is true. You understand that the world is in a constant state of reaction, but you don’t have to react to it. You can choose to rise above the chaos, discern the information that is being presented to you, and decided how you wish to see the experience today.

Lastly, with a deep understanding of what this world is, you will transfer from putting your faith in an insane system, and move toward establishing a connection to the spirit that resides within you. This is a reliable source. It isn’t going anywhere. It doesn’t waiver, doesn’t disappear, doesn’t frown upon what you are doing, it merely waits and says nothing. Moving your attention into this field will slowly guide you into the calm sane inner world of peace. When you recognize this place within, the world will be seen clearly and your expectation of needing it to be a certain way will cease to be. You will find yourself overreacting less, accepting things as they are, questioning as necessary, and most importantly not taking everything so seriously or personally. The more you connect with who you really are, the more the act of life will be revealed to you, and your desire for sanity in the insane world will become an ever present guiding light.


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