Happy “Single-Hood”: The Relationship with Yourself

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The underlying conditioning in our culture is to settle down, get married, and have a family.  This starts the moment we are born!  Fairy tales are loaded with concepts of finding a prince charming to save you, and make you happy for the rest of your life.

However, not everyone wants to live this life.  Some people have no interest in marriage and choose to live a life of "Single-Hood."  Today let's explore the opportunities a single life brings.

  1. First, we'll look at the conditioned expectation of marriage.  Whether you realize it or not, there is a strong conditioning within the collective that everyone should strive to find a life long partner and have children.

  2. Next, what opportunities does the single life bring you.  For those of you that are happy on your own, what doors open in your life to help you re-discover who you truly are?

  3. Lastly, let's look at how you have the power to live the life you choose!

No matter what society or others may say, you can live a beautiful single life and find all the joy, love, and happiness within yourself!  No. one else can give you something that is already there!  Living single gives you the chance to go deeply within yourself and discover who you really are!

Don't miss today's show for more on living your best single life!

Read the Blog Post


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