“Let Food Be Thy Medicine, Medicine Be Thy Food”-Hippocrates

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Are you struggling with your health and don't know where to turn?  Are you overwhelmed with the amount of information that's out there?  How do you know what to trust?

Then, let's dive deeper into the world of health and diet in particular.  With so many different approaches to health, healing, and lifestyle it's difficult to know which one is accurate, not to mention if it will work for you. 

From Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, and his introduction of a new paradigm of medicine, to looking into theories today, we'll take a closer look at research that may help guide you to find healthier choices in your life.

Today, we'll talk specifically about The China Study, the Blue Zones, and a man named Arnold Ehret which all offer insight into how our diet choices do affect the body and our potential longevity.

When you are getting conflicting information from doctors, alternative health practitioners, nutrition specialists, and diet books we often find ourselves becoming our own best researchers.   We can take the information and see what works best for us in our own life. 

Whether you are dealing with a current health issue, have been struggling with chronic illness your entire life, or are just looking to live a healthier lifestyle, these different points of study can open the doors to an entirely new world of information.

Look into The China Study:
The China Study - T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

The Blue Zones:
Blue Zones—Live Better, Longer

Arnold Ehret's Work:
Books | Arnold Ehret


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The Healing Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for the Body, Mind, or Both?


The Body: Transforming Diet and Health