The Body: Transforming Diet and Health

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We are going to shift gears today from the mind and the mental aspect of transformation into the body.  Going through an awakening, having a health crisis, being diagnosed with a chronic illness, or simply wanting to change your lifestyle and feel better, we usually look at diet as a means to begin the healing process.

First, let's look at how the ego mind views the body, and how the spiritual side of the mind sees the body, then focus on feeling the urge to clean out the body and the amount of information that is flooding that space. 

Also, let's touch on what it is that we actually do know about food and what we should be eating.  With so much contradictory information in the health arena, what can we actually agree on?  What do we know about food and its effect on the body?  And, finally, let's watch how the ego works its magic into food movements.  

Even though we can be connected to a larger awareness and understand we are not our bodies, we cannot deny the world of cause and effect, specifically the world of chemistry and how it has very real effects on the body we are living in.  


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“Let Food Be Thy Medicine, Medicine Be Thy Food”-Hippocrates


Clarifying the Stages of Transformation: A Moment to Reflect