insights into awakening, spirituality & practical life.

Join me in a thought-provoking conversation about what to do when you begin to wake up to who you really are.

We’ll take a closer look at all things transformation, shifts in consciousness, nature and foods that heal, the inner workings of the mind, and how to clean up and clear out your space.

When your life begins to unravel, we’ll dive into the physical, mental, and spiritual components that can change your life forever, and ultimately bring you back to your true nature.

Learn how to manage the difficulties that awakening brings as you continue to live your life in the world. Gaining practical insights can make all the difference on your unique spiritual path.


Shifting From Thinking to “Feeling”

Shifting From Thinking to “Feeling”

Episode #15

We are so programmed by our thinking mind that we forget about the intuitive internal computer we all have.  Today we will discuss the field of awareness we are living in and how we can become reacquainted with our own intuition, which seems to be lost from today's culture. 

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Dark Night of the Soul or Dark Night of the Mind?

Dark Night of the Soul or Dark Night of the Mind?

Episode #12

No one likes to go into any type of dark time.  Especially if it lasts a long time. Our culture does everything in its power to avoid this type of scenario.   But what if the darkness is where transformation is possible?  What if the dark is the only way to see the light?

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Isolation Equals Contemplation

Isolation Equals Contemplation

Episode #11

Do you ever feel a strong pull toward solitude?  Does the desire for inner peace outweigh anything else in your life?  Have you had enough and need time alone? At some point on the path of self-discovery, you will feel a knocking at your door, and the desire to connect with something greater than yourself.

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Kundalini: Ancient Wisdom or Myth? #1

Kundalini: Ancient Wisdom or Myth? #1

Episode #9

Today we discuss a type of awakening from the ancient world, Kundalini Awakening. Our culture is mostly unaware of this potential lying within the body. We'll take a look at where it originated, what it is, what is its purpose, and what are some of the symptoms involved.

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Opening the Door: The Gateway Into the Mind

Opening the Door: The Gateway Into the Mind

Episode #6

Is synchronicity or serendipity happening in your life? Do you see things happening for a reason and you are listening to these signs? Opening the door to your mind can begin like a brand-new adventure you are thrilled to be on. If the door is unlocked, then all you have to do is TURN THE KNOB!

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