Setting Boundaries: With Ego or Spirit

Setting Boundaries: With Ego or Spirit

Living a spiritual path, truly seeking a deeper meaning to your life, and wanting to feel inner peace and contentment in a world spinning out of control, can be a real challenge. Keeping yourself grounded, centered, and connected to spirit no matter what life throws at you can bring incredible depth and true joy to your life.

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Will We Ever Stop the Cycles of Time? Does Reincarnation End?

Will We Ever Stop the Cycles of Time? Does Reincarnation End?

Looking deeper at the cycles of time, and for the sake of discussion, if reincarnation is real and we continue to live lifetime after lifetime, when does it end? Does it end? If it does end, how can we actively facilitate this process? As A Course in Miracles suggests, if this world is truly unreal, and the only true reality is God, how do we get back to reality? How do we wake up from the dream? What are the steps we can take to move closer to our true nature?

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The Cycles of Time: Are We Really Going Anywhere?

The Cycles of Time: Are We Really Going Anywhere?

Your awakening journey may eventually bring you to a place where time seems irrelevant. This concept of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years repeating themselves over and over again begins to feel very illusory. From the moment we are born, until the day we die, we seem to be on a time clock. Time to get up, time to go to school, time to go to work, time to eat, time for another appointment, time to take the trash out, and time to go to sleep.

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Waking Up When Others Are Not

Waking Up When Others Are Not

Going through incredible inner change can leave you feeling like an outsider, a loner, or an introvert with no desire to interact with people. The inner movement within speaks so loudly it is all you can put your attention toward. The mere thought of mingling with those around you feels torturous. Just opening your mouth to say anything seems odd. You don’t feel like the same person anymore and you’re doubting if you can still delight in conversation.

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Awakening: What It Is And What It Isn’t

Awakening: What It Is And What It Isn’t

When you find yourself changing on the inside and you can’t make any sense of it, it baffles the mind. You can feel something shifting deeply within you, your perception is changing, you know longer see things the way you used to, and now you are having difficulty describing this experience, not only to yourself, but to those around you.

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Are You Arguing or Accepting Reality?

Are You Arguing or Accepting Reality?

As we come upon the New Year, and I think back to all the different blog topics and podcasts this past year in 2023, I can’t help but sum up the awakening journey into one simple concept, “Are you arguing or accepting reality?” To answer this, you must decide which side of the mind will answer this question. If you realize you spend a fair amount of time resisting what is happening in your life, you can be fairly certain the ego is making that decision.

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The Grape Cure: Findings From Long Ago
Nature and Food, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott Nature and Food, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott

The Grape Cure: Findings From Long Ago

In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s a movement of natural hygiene was spreading throughout parts of Europe including Austria, France, Switzerland, and mainly Germany. There were many sanitariums for healing using fasting, fruits, and raw foods to eliminate waste from the body and the diseases that come with it. Prior to Rockefeller monopolizing the American medical system, natural medicine was a common and accepted practice.

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Hijacking Spirituality: Ascension, Twin Flame, & Manifestation Gurus
Spirituality, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott Spirituality, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott

Hijacking Spirituality: Ascension, Twin Flame, & Manifestation Gurus

The ancient mystics and contemplatives spent time in solitude connecting with divinity. Some of today’s spiritual and new age thinkers have adopted a new type of divine being, one that can create and manifest anything the heart desires. Communing with spirit, seeking eternal love in God, and stepping out of society has now become the new version of powerful creators manifesting true human potential.

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The Holidays: Transforming Stress Into Joy and Peace

The Holidays: Transforming Stress Into Joy and Peace

Ah, the holidays! Here we are again. Doesn’t it seem like time is speeding up and Christmas sneaks up out of nowhere every year? People are putting up Christmas decorations and lights the day after Halloween. When did this become a thing? It’s interesting to see the anticipation of a holiday, like we are living in the future without enjoying the present moment.

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Consciousness Eternally Experiencing Itself? Why?

Consciousness Eternally Experiencing Itself? Why?

Consciousness. What does it mean exactly? There are a lot of new age thinkers presenting consciousness as the nature of our reality, as who we really are, as the field of awareness that comprises everything within the universe. A very simple understanding of consciousness is being aware of one’s own internal and external environment, or better yet, being aware of something else.

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After the Honeymoon: Disorienting Aspects of Awakening

After the Honeymoon: Disorienting Aspects of Awakening

Do you remember the first time you were curious about the deeper meaning in life? Was it a book you were reading? Was it a movie or documentary, or a speaker that sparked an inner quest of self-discovery? Maybe you were born with it? Has it been with you as long as you can remember? Or did a sudden life experience pull you into a completely different world?

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Energy Shifts: How They Affect Us Personally and Collectively

Energy Shifts: How They Affect Us Personally and Collectively

Underneath the surface of matter, everything is energy. What we see as solid is made up of moving particles, atoms, protons, electrons, you get the drill. These moving particles interact with each other and emit vibrations and frequency into the world around us. Our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors also emit energy into the invisible field we live in. Whether you are aware of this or not, we are moving amongst waves of energetic information all day long. Step into a crowded room and feel the energy level is much more active than in a room that is empty.

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Cults Versus Real Spirituality: What’s the Difference?
Spirituality, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott Spirituality, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott

Cults Versus Real Spirituality: What’s the Difference?

Cults are an interesting phenomenon. Something that often starts off harmless turns into a nightmare no one saw coming. Groups forming anywhere around the world often pull people toward a similar purpose. Getting together with like-minded people, sharing the same beliefs, joining together as a community, and working toward the same goals are common reasons why people are drawn to each other.

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Forgiveness: The Gateway to Peace

Forgiveness: The Gateway to Peace

Forgiveness is one of the hardest things for many of us to do. Most of the time we find a way to make ourselves right, therefore the other person is wrong. If someone has wronged us in some way, and depending on the severity of their chosen behavior, the ego within wants to block this person from ever contacting us again. Have you run into this in your life? Did someone do something you least expected and forgiving them seemed like an impossible feat? Well, if this is you, you are not alone. At some point in life people surprise us.

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A Course In Miracles: Key Concepts and How it Came to Be

A Course In Miracles: Key Concepts and How it Came to Be

A Course in Miracles was channeled beginning in 1965 and continuing for seven years until 1972 through a clinical and research psychologist from Columbia University by the name of Helen Schucman. For many years, Helen worked beside colleague and fellow research psychologist William Thetford, in which they had difficulty within the department, as well as personally.

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The Shadow: Hidden Gems of the Unconscious Mind

The Shadow: Hidden Gems of the Unconscious Mind

Spiritual awakening is about uncovering the hidden elements of yourself that lay dormant within you. These qualities stay hidden in a treasure chest deep below the surface completely away from your conscious mind. This treasure box has one pad lock after another, as well as shields of armor standing guard for the utmost protection. It is imperative that your conscious mind never opens this secretive chest within you because when it does, the truth of what is really going on here will start to be revealed.

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The Eye of the Storm: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

The Eye of the Storm: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

You don’t need to turn on the news to realize this world is full of one chaotic moment after the next. If you are around a lot of people, just wait five minutes and something else will roll in to add dramatic flair to your day. If you are around kids or you have children, you know exactly what I am talking about. Then, on top of your personal dilemmas, turn on the world of cable news that runs 24/7 and your heart will jump out of your chest at least fifteen times throughout the day.

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The Now Moment: And the Mind’s Resistance To It

The Now Moment: And the Mind’s Resistance To It

You might hear this term a lot today. THE NOW. Or the NOW MOMENT. When you stop and think about it, the only time that ever exists is NOW. There is no possible way to go back to the past, even if it’s just going back five minutes. There is no possible way of jumping into the future to see what you might be up to. The only moment we have is right here, right now. This is not a ground breaking idea. It is not an epiphany. It is simple.

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What is the Meaning of Life?  Awakening to a New Perception
Stages of Transformation, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott Stages of Transformation, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott

What is the Meaning of Life? Awakening to a New Perception

When you find yourself slammed into the awakening process, there comes a point, after the nostalgia of it all begins to fade, and the deepness of what is happening to you really starts to set it. The further and further you are pulled, the more layers that are removed from what you thought yourself to be, the question enters your mind, “What does all of this mean? What is the meaning of life? Is there really any meaning at all?”

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Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Can Feel Better

Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Can Feel Better

I can’t stress enough how the environment you are living in can affect how you feel, how you operate, how efficient you are, and what you feel like within your space. If you find you are stuck in a rut, you can’t seem to move forward in certain aspects of your life, you are depressed, or you are struggling with awakening take a look around and see what your current space looks like. Are there piles of papers all over your desk? Are there clothing piles overflowing out of the laundry and tossed all over the floor? Or maybe you have shoes piling up in the laundry room and you don’t want to organize them?

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