insights into awakening, spirituality & practical life.
Join me in a thought-provoking conversation about what to do when you begin to wake up to who you really are.
We’ll take a closer look at all things transformation, shifts in consciousness, nature and foods that heal, the inner workings of the mind, and how to clean up and clear out your space.
When your life begins to unravel, we’ll dive into the physical, mental, and spiritual components that can change your life forever, and ultimately bring you back to your true nature.
Learn how to manage the difficulties that awakening brings as you continue to live your life in the world. Gaining practical insights can make all the difference on your unique spiritual path.
The Seasoned Soul Searcher: A Scavenger Hunt of LIfe
Episode #68
Have you been a spiritual seeker your entire life? Have you participated in numerous different life teachings and practices and eventually you move on to try new things? Do you ever feel exhausted on the scavenger hunt of life?
Intuitives And Empaths The Struggle Is Real: Does It Have To Be?
Episode #67
Do you feel everything in the environment around you? Do you pick up energy from other people you are with? Is it overwhelming you? Are you avoiding large gatherings for fear of what you will experience?
Can Awakening Shift Your Life’s Purpose?
Episode #66
Do you wonder what the purpose of your life is? This may have crossed your mind a few times. If you are a seeker or you are going through awakening, you might be questioning your purpose in a new way.
Tips For Eating Naturally Using Natural Hygiene Principles
Episode #65
Continuing from the last episode about living a healthy life based on the Natural Hygiene perspective, let's go over a few simple things you can think about if you are looking to clean up your diet and start feeling better in your body.
Setting Boundaries Staying Connected To Spirit
Episode #63
Creating boundaries in your life might be necessary when you come up against a difficult situation. It's easy to set a boundary wanting to completely disconnect from others, to never speak to them again, or feel that you can't allow yourself to be around people that are different than you are.
If Time Is An Illusion: Can We Break The Cycles Of Time? Does Reincarnation End?
Episode #62
If we are truly living the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth over and over again, then how do we break the cycle? How do we exit this pattern and return Home? Is it even possible to do so?
The Cycles of Time: Are We Really Going Anywhere?
Episode #61
Our lives are dictated by the clock. From the moment we get up in the morning, until the second we go to bed, the clock is ticking, and we seem to be racing against time. Going through awakening will bring you to this very fundamental aspect of our world, is time relevant? Is it real or is it illusory?
Waking Up When Others Are Not
Episode #60
Along your awakening process, there might come a time when you simply don't feel the same anymore. You no longer feel like your old self, yet you have no idea who you are now. There can be a state of limbo for long periods of time, and you may have difficulty feeling connected to anyone, let alone your friends and family.
Awakening: What It Is and What It Isn’t
Episode #59
Join me today as we discuss the undoing process of spiritual awakening and transformation. Removing all the hidden layers of your conditioned mind and your conditioned reality is not an easy process.
Are You Accepting Or Arguing With Reality?
Episode #58
Let's spend today looking at what this show embodies, which is the practical applications of spiritual awakening. One question to repeatedly ask yourself is, "Am I accepting or arguing with reality?" To answer this let's determine which side of the mind is answering this question, the ego mind or the spiritual side.
Hijacking Spirituality: Ascension, Twin Flame, and Manifestation Gurus
Episode #55
There are many groups and movements that claim what they are doing is spiritual. But do they really have anything to do with spirituality? Is there some truth within them, yet eventually it shifts into the ego's territory?
The Holidays: Transforming Stress Into Joy And Peace
Episode #54
This exciting and festive time of year can often send many people into a mental panic. If you are becoming aware of your mind's constant chatter, this is a wonderful time of year to practice observing just how crazy the mind can be.
Consciousness Eternally Experiencing Itself: Why?
Episode #53
The field of consciousness is often described as a field that is simply experiencing itself. It expresses itself through the physical world, the animal and plant kingdoms, animate and inanimate objects, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and our very personal interpretation of the world we perceive. What you don't hear is why this is the case?
After The Honeymoon: Disorienting Aspects of Awakening
Episode #52
Awakening brings so many different phases and layers of revelation. In the beginning, it's an exciting adventure you can't get enough of. Eventually, as awareness within you grows, there will inevitably be moments of challenge. The identity self is slowly fading which brings about unsettling periods of disorientation and uncertainty.
The Body’s Health: Is It Metaphysical?
Episode #51
Health is a debatable topic. You don't need to spend too much time looking into it before you have a million different opinions, studies, and research that contradicts each other. What does it mean to have health anyway?
Energy Shifts: How They Affect You Personally & Collectively
Episode #50
Are you affected by what everyone else is doing? Do other people's moods affect yours? Do you find yourself getting lost in other people's energetic mess? Let's dive into how we are affected on a very personal level by our own energetic field as well as what other people are emitting around us.
Cults VS. Genuine Spirituality: What’s the Difference?
Episode #49
Have you ever been part of a community and thought it might be a cult? Do you go to spiritual or religious seminars, workshops, or retreats and think everyone around you is in some sort of trance?
Forgiveness: The Gateway to Peace
Episode #48
One of the most difficult things for many people to do is forgive. Whether you are seeking forgiveness or being asked to forgive someone you believed wronged you, it is challenging for many different reasons.
A Course In Miracles: How It Came To Be and Key Concepts For Inner Study
Episode #47
A Course in Miracles is a very popular spiritual text in today's world. As most spiritual texts, people translate them differently and the original information can become highly distorted. The true essence of the teaching can often become lost due to misinterpretation.
The Shadow: Hidden Gems Of The Unconscious Mind
Episode #46
The shadow is a term many people come across when diving into the mind or any type of healing work. Carl Jung brought the concept of the shadow to light and explains it as the hidden unconscious aspect of the mind that can impact our behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs without understanding why.