insights into awakening, spirituality & practical life.
Join me in a thought-provoking conversation about what to do when you begin to wake up to who you really are.
We’ll take a closer look at all things transformation, shifts in consciousness, nature and foods that heal, the inner workings of the mind, and how to clean up and clear out your space.
When your life begins to unravel, we’ll dive into the physical, mental, and spiritual components that can change your life forever, and ultimately bring you back to your true nature.
Learn how to manage the difficulties that awakening brings as you continue to live your life in the world. Gaining practical insights can make all the difference on your unique spiritual path.
The Eye Of The Storm: Finding Peace In The Midst Of Chaos
Episode #45
Ever feel like you are in a constant storm, or that a tornado is blowing through your life, and you have no control? Life is funny that way. Some days are amazing and full of excitement. Then, in one instant, something unexpected occurs to pull you into a sea of darkness.
Back To Eden: Symbols Of The Garden And The Serpent Kundalini
Episode #44
This podcast, Live Like Eden, has a much deeper meaning than just relating to the famous Garden of Eden in the bible. Eden is more symbolic. It is the representative of truth and who we really are. What are the hidden meanings behind this ancient garden?
Holistic Health: Getting Back to Nature
Episode #43
When we think of health, typically we think of the body. How is my physical health? But there are a lot of other contributing factors that affect our overall health. Lifestyle, environment, emotional disturbances, stress, mental stability, and disruptions of energy in our system can cause physical symptoms to occur.
The Now Moment: The Mind’s Resistance To It
Episode #42
Spiritual and new age circles use it all the time. Just stay in the now, be in the now, experience the now, you've heard plenty of it! But what does it really mean? What are we really talking about? What does it offer us?
What is the Meaning of LIfe? Awakening to a New Perception
Episode #41
Ah, the meaning of life. What is it exactly? Does anyone really know? Or, is it subjective? Everyone interprets life differently. Depending on your experiences in life, how you have been conditioned, what beliefs you have, and events that currently unfold play a role in how each person gives meaning to life.
Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Feel Better
Episode #40
Does your home feel cluttered, stagnant, and heavy? Is it time to get things moving again? Our physical spaces, the ones we inhabit the most, often reflect what is going on in our life whether we realize it or not.
Awakening and Heightened Sensitivities
Episode #39
Awakening brings up all kinds of unusual experiences, mystical moments, and shifts in perception. But one of the hardest parts of awakening can be the sensitivities that develop along the way.
Stuck In a Rut? Is It a Curse or Is It a Gift?
Episode #38
Do you ever feel stuck in the mud? Do you ever feel like nothing is going to change? Are you starting to feel like you might be cursed? Or, have you turned a corner and are beginning to see your difficult plight as a gift?
Staying Sane In An Insane World
Episode #37
With so much happening in the world around us it is easy to get lost in the chaos. The information overload can get very confusing and downright insane. The desire to make things better is present especially when we see inefficiencies or potential dangers. Is that really possible in the dual world?
Real Happiness: Do We Know What It Is?
Episode #36
Are you happy? Does life seem to focus on the need to find happiness and you are rolling your eyes? Happiness is subjective. It means different things to different people. The question is, what does it mean to you?
The Mental And Physical Aspects of Awakening: What’s the Difference?
Episode #35
Awakening is a journey that has many stages, levels, discoveries, and experiences. Let's spend today's show talking a little more deeply about this interesting and often mysterious subject.
Intuition: The Human Computer
Episode #34
Everyone has intuition! It's just a matter if we listen to it or not. Today's show is geared toward the human computer system and the ability to receive information from the intelligence field we are living in.
Transforming Anxiety and Depression
Episode #33
Most people experience some form of anxiety and/or depression throughout their lifetime. Can you relate? You may feel like you have a problem, that you are broken and need fixing. But what if anxiety and depression are trying to help you?
The Collective Vs. The Individual Path Home
Episode #32
Today let's look at the collective versus the individual and how it specifically relates to your spiritual journey. The collective can be a powerful force in the world, and it has many different levels in which it operates.
Ego Death: Losing Yourself and the Illusion of Life
Episode #31
During spiritual awakening the concept of ego death will indefinitely come up. There are many schools of thought on this interesting phenomenon, so let's take a deeper dive into this process of losing the self, or the no-self experience.
5 Parenting Tips: Shifting Your Awareness to Create a More Peaceful Home
Episode #30
Let's get a little deeper into life with kids, the reality of dealing with inevitable challenges, and discuss 5 simple strategies that might help you create a more peaceful home. A shift in awareness can make all the difference.
Parenting: Getting Real With the Chaos
Episode #29
Whether you are a parent or you are around kids all the time, you know it can be exhausting! Your fantasy of how it would be to raise children is now replaced with the realities of everyday life.
The Doer: Are You Really What You Do?
Episode #28
Do you feel that you must be doing something in order to feel productive? Are you attached to achieving something and if you don't you feel like a failure, you are lazy, or have no self-worth?
Caring What Other People Think: Does it Prevent You From Being You?
Episode #27
Do you make decisions based on what other people think you should do? Do you care what they think? Are you uncertain of your own desires? Are you letting what others think prevent you from being who you are?
Stuck in the Clutter? Shift the Energy of Your Space
Episode #26
Do you find yourself creating clutter? Are you someone who has piles of different items dispersed around your house? Is it overwhelming and you don't know why you do it or how to get out of it?