Energy Shifts: How They Affect Us Personally and Collectively

Energy Shifts: How They Affect Us Personally and Collectively

Underneath the surface of matter, everything is energy. What we see as solid is made up of moving particles, atoms, protons, electrons, you get the drill. These moving particles interact with each other and emit vibrations and frequency into the world around us. Our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors also emit energy into the invisible field we live in. Whether you are aware of this or not, we are moving amongst waves of energetic information all day long. Step into a crowded room and feel the energy level is much more active than in a room that is empty.

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Cults Versus Real Spirituality: What’s the Difference?
Spirituality, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott Spirituality, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott

Cults Versus Real Spirituality: What’s the Difference?

Cults are an interesting phenomenon. Something that often starts off harmless turns into a nightmare no one saw coming. Groups forming anywhere around the world often pull people toward a similar purpose. Getting together with like-minded people, sharing the same beliefs, joining together as a community, and working toward the same goals are common reasons why people are drawn to each other.

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Forgiveness: The Gateway to Peace

Forgiveness: The Gateway to Peace

Forgiveness is one of the hardest things for many of us to do. Most of the time we find a way to make ourselves right, therefore the other person is wrong. If someone has wronged us in some way, and depending on the severity of their chosen behavior, the ego within wants to block this person from ever contacting us again. Have you run into this in your life? Did someone do something you least expected and forgiving them seemed like an impossible feat? Well, if this is you, you are not alone. At some point in life people surprise us.

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A Course In Miracles: Key Concepts and How it Came to Be

A Course In Miracles: Key Concepts and How it Came to Be

A Course in Miracles was channeled beginning in 1965 and continuing for seven years until 1972 through a clinical and research psychologist from Columbia University by the name of Helen Schucman. For many years, Helen worked beside colleague and fellow research psychologist William Thetford, in which they had difficulty within the department, as well as personally.

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The Shadow: Hidden Gems of the Unconscious Mind

The Shadow: Hidden Gems of the Unconscious Mind

Spiritual awakening is about uncovering the hidden elements of yourself that lay dormant within you. These qualities stay hidden in a treasure chest deep below the surface completely away from your conscious mind. This treasure box has one pad lock after another, as well as shields of armor standing guard for the utmost protection. It is imperative that your conscious mind never opens this secretive chest within you because when it does, the truth of what is really going on here will start to be revealed.

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The Eye of the Storm: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

The Eye of the Storm: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

You don’t need to turn on the news to realize this world is full of one chaotic moment after the next. If you are around a lot of people, just wait five minutes and something else will roll in to add dramatic flair to your day. If you are around kids or you have children, you know exactly what I am talking about. Then, on top of your personal dilemmas, turn on the world of cable news that runs 24/7 and your heart will jump out of your chest at least fifteen times throughout the day.

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The Now Moment: And the Mind’s Resistance To It

The Now Moment: And the Mind’s Resistance To It

You might hear this term a lot today. THE NOW. Or the NOW MOMENT. When you stop and think about it, the only time that ever exists is NOW. There is no possible way to go back to the past, even if it’s just going back five minutes. There is no possible way of jumping into the future to see what you might be up to. The only moment we have is right here, right now. This is not a ground breaking idea. It is not an epiphany. It is simple.

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What is the Meaning of Life?  Awakening to a New Perception
Stages of Transformation, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott Stages of Transformation, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott

What is the Meaning of Life? Awakening to a New Perception

When you find yourself slammed into the awakening process, there comes a point, after the nostalgia of it all begins to fade, and the deepness of what is happening to you really starts to set it. The further and further you are pulled, the more layers that are removed from what you thought yourself to be, the question enters your mind, “What does all of this mean? What is the meaning of life? Is there really any meaning at all?”

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Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Can Feel Better

Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Can Feel Better

I can’t stress enough how the environment you are living in can affect how you feel, how you operate, how efficient you are, and what you feel like within your space. If you find you are stuck in a rut, you can’t seem to move forward in certain aspects of your life, you are depressed, or you are struggling with awakening take a look around and see what your current space looks like. Are there piles of papers all over your desk? Are there clothing piles overflowing out of the laundry and tossed all over the floor? Or maybe you have shoes piling up in the laundry room and you don’t want to organize them?

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Awakening and Heightened Sensitivities

Awakening and Heightened Sensitivities

Are you going through an awakening and suddenly you feel like you are on sensory overload? You’ve now become so sensitive to everything around you, yet you can’t quite make sense of what the hell is going on? Maybe you felt intuition before, but now it takes it to another level, a level you can’t even begin to comprehend. It’s now reached a place that you don’t think you can handle.

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Stuck in a Rut: Is It a Curse or Is It a Gift?
Stages of Transformation, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott Stages of Transformation, Observing the Mind Lindsay Vatterott

Stuck in a Rut: Is It a Curse or Is It a Gift?

Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Are you trying to get out and you just keep finding yourself in the same exact situation, sinking deeper and deeper into the mud? Are you tired of it, but have no idea what to do? At some point in life most people go through challenging periods, periods where nothing seems to change, nothing seems to be moving forward, and it begins to take its toll. It’s one thing if these are temporary blips on the radar, however, for those who find themselves in what feels like a permanent amount of quicksand, it can be daunting, depressing, and incredibly unmotivating.

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Staying Sane in an Insane World

Staying Sane in an Insane World

There is no escaping that this world is a dual world. This simply means this is a world of opposites. For every aspect, thought, belief, or preference there is always an opposite to it. There is the dark hidden shadow that exists behind the known, whether we are aware of it or not. That darkness stays present behind the light. Duality can be summed up as a concept meaning there are two, there is subject an object, you can’t have one without the other. Many will suggest that this is the function of the universe and the way in which it balances itself.

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What is Real Happiness?  Do We Know What it is?

What is Real Happiness? Do We Know What it is?

Do you generally consider yourself happy? Is it something you carry within you, or do you feel happiest when your external environment is going the way you wish it to? Are you often discouraged, sad, or depressed when you hear unwanted or shocking information? Do you think you dictate your happiness or are you expecting others to give you the happiness you desire? So many people expect others to behave and act in a certain way, so much so that when they fail to meet this mental imagery in your head, you are devastated.

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Mental and Physical Awakening: What’s the Difference?

Mental and Physical Awakening: What’s the Difference?

What is awakening? What does it mean exactly? What are we really talking about? There are many levels to waking up from who you thought yourself to be. When you identify as a separate self, the identity we call ourselves in this world, we are unconscious to the larger field of awareness that we are living in. As consciousness becomes known within us and the unconscious becomes conscious, there is a recognition of these two aspects of the self. The small ego self and the larger field of awareness. They are both existing, like two sides of the same coin.

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Intuition: The Human Computer

Intuition: The Human Computer

Have you ever had a sense of knowing something and you had no idea why? Have you ever felt so strongly about what was going to happen, or what you should be doing but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it? Have you had moments of feeling something has already happened before, a sense of deja vu? Most people have experiences in their life when an internal knowing presents itself. Often referred to as a sixth sense, it is the intangible communication we receive and have no idea how it is happening. There are many levels to intuition.

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Transforming Anxiety and Depression

Transforming Anxiety and Depression

Have you ever felt some level of anxiety in your life that prevented you from moving forward? Has your body reacted with the classic fight or flight symptoms leaving you in a trembling panic? Have you felt despair, loneliness, and a heaviness that just won’t go away? Most people have endured some level of these complicated and often confusing emotions, and they are extremely common for most people. However, there is a very negative connotation, a stigma if you will around these feelings.

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The Collective vs. The Individual Path Home

The Collective vs. The Individual Path Home

It’s been long debated whether the world should operate for the collective benefit or for the individual. Governments argue over which is better and it is still a rampant debate throughout the world. This recurring theme that we need to do what’s best for the greater good even at the expense of the weak or the few that will not survive, then we must do that. Communistic rule in countries such as the Soviet Union, Vietnam, China and many other countries throughout history, believe in the greater good principle with the government leading the way. Other perspectives protect the individual liberties and rights similar to how the US Constitution created the Bill of Rights for the protection of the individual against a potentially tyrannical government.

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Ego Death: Losing Yourself and the Illusion of Life

Ego Death: Losing Yourself and the Illusion of Life

Is something inside of you feeling a little off? Is there a movement within that has caught your attention but you refuse to acknowledge it? Are you actively pushing it into the background. Is something new and unfamiliar knocking on your door? Are you hearing the knock but refuse to see who and what is there? When you sense something brewing within you, but can’t quite understand what it is, yet you know it is there, you begin to sense that things are about to change. Your intuition knows that this profound feeling is pulling you in a direction you are very uncertain about. The unknown experience is now a dominate force in your life, which often creates an underlying fear.

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5 Parenting Tips: Shifting Your Awareness to Create a More Peaceful Home
Observing the Mind, Stages of Transformation Lindsay Vatterott Observing the Mind, Stages of Transformation Lindsay Vatterott

5 Parenting Tips: Shifting Your Awareness to Create a More Peaceful Home

I am not a child therapist or a psychologist of family studies. I don’t have a plaque on the wall with any clinical background, nor do I care to after all the years dealing with my own kids, and still going. But, what I do have, is years of actual experience raising four very different, energetic, opinionated, difficult, passionate, strong-willed children who have taught me more about parenting than I ever thought possible. Not only have my kids been the greatest teachers, but a major shift in consciousness before they were born, which continued for years even during their adolescence, opened the door into another aspect of my mind that allowed me to see things from a completely different perspective.

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Parenting: Getting Real With the Chaos
Observing the Mind, Stages of Transformation Lindsay Vatterott Observing the Mind, Stages of Transformation Lindsay Vatterott

Parenting: Getting Real With the Chaos

When you first find out you are going to be a parent you may be overwhelmed with a mixed bag of emotions. If you were planning and desiring to have a child the news that you are expecting brings you immense joy. You are thrilled that you’re now going to be a mom or a dad. For others, that have unplanned or surprise pregnancies the news can set off alarm bells and you may be wondering how this is going to work in your life. Are you ready to become a parent?

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