insights into awakening, spirituality & practical life.

Join me in a thought-provoking conversation about what to do when you begin to wake up to who you really are.

We’ll take a closer look at all things transformation, shifts in consciousness, nature and foods that heal, the inner workings of the mind, and how to clean up and clear out your space.

When your life begins to unravel, we’ll dive into the physical, mental, and spiritual components that can change your life forever, and ultimately bring you back to your true nature.

Learn how to manage the difficulties that awakening brings as you continue to live your life in the world. Gaining practical insights can make all the difference on your unique spiritual path.


The Eye Of The Storm: Finding Peace In The Midst Of Chaos

The Eye Of The Storm: Finding Peace In The Midst Of Chaos

Episode #45

Ever feel like you are in a constant storm, or that a tornado is blowing through your life, and you have no control? Life is funny that way. Some days are amazing and full of excitement. Then, in one instant, something unexpected occurs to pull you into a sea of darkness.

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What is the Meaning of LIfe? Awakening to a New Perception

What is the Meaning of LIfe? Awakening to a New Perception

Episode #41

Ah, the meaning of life.  What is it exactly?  Does anyone really know?  Or, is it subjective?  Everyone interprets life differently.  Depending on your experiences in life, how you have been conditioned, what beliefs you have, and events that currently unfold play a role in how each person gives meaning to life.  

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Letting Go: Easier Said Than Done

Letting Go: Easier Said Than Done

Episode #18

"Just Let Go Already!" Have you heard people say this to you? Do you want to let go of something, but you have no idea how? We all have experiences in our lives that create turmoil and heaviness, especially if we don't know how to release them. These situations ultimately guide us to the doorway of letting go.

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