insights into awakening, spirituality & practical life.
Join me in a thought-provoking conversation about what to do when you begin to wake up to who you really are.
We’ll take a closer look at all things transformation, shifts in consciousness, nature and foods that heal, the inner workings of the mind, and how to clean up and clear out your space.
When your life begins to unravel, we’ll dive into the physical, mental, and spiritual components that can change your life forever, and ultimately bring you back to your true nature.
Learn how to manage the difficulties that awakening brings as you continue to live your life in the world. Gaining practical insights can make all the difference on your unique spiritual path.
The Mental And Physical Aspects of Awakening: What’s the Difference?
Episode #35
Awakening is a journey that has many stages, levels, discoveries, and experiences. Let's spend today's show talking a little more deeply about this interesting and often mysterious subject.
Intuition: The Human Computer
Episode #34
Everyone has intuition! It's just a matter if we listen to it or not. Today's show is geared toward the human computer system and the ability to receive information from the intelligence field we are living in.
Transforming Anxiety and Depression
Episode #33
Most people experience some form of anxiety and/or depression throughout their lifetime. Can you relate? You may feel like you have a problem, that you are broken and need fixing. But what if anxiety and depression are trying to help you?
The Collective Vs. The Individual Path Home
Episode #32
Today let's look at the collective versus the individual and how it specifically relates to your spiritual journey. The collective can be a powerful force in the world, and it has many different levels in which it operates.
Ego Death: Losing Yourself and the Illusion of Life
Episode #31
During spiritual awakening the concept of ego death will indefinitely come up. There are many schools of thought on this interesting phenomenon, so let's take a deeper dive into this process of losing the self, or the no-self experience.
5 Parenting Tips: Shifting Your Awareness to Create a More Peaceful Home
Episode #30
Let's get a little deeper into life with kids, the reality of dealing with inevitable challenges, and discuss 5 simple strategies that might help you create a more peaceful home. A shift in awareness can make all the difference.
Parenting: Getting Real With the Chaos
Episode #29
Whether you are a parent or you are around kids all the time, you know it can be exhausting! Your fantasy of how it would be to raise children is now replaced with the realities of everyday life.
The Doer: Are You Really What You Do?
Episode #28
Do you feel that you must be doing something in order to feel productive? Are you attached to achieving something and if you don't you feel like a failure, you are lazy, or have no self-worth?
Stuck in the Clutter? Shift the Energy of Your Space
Episode #26
Do you find yourself creating clutter? Are you someone who has piles of different items dispersed around your house? Is it overwhelming and you don't know why you do it or how to get out of it?
Is It Personal or Is It Projection?
Episode #25
If the world is a stage like Shakespeare expressed, then we are the actors. It’s easy to become caught up in our identities and take everything incredibly personally. When we personalize our encounters with people around us, we can become easily offended.
“Let Food Be Thy Medicine, Medicine Be Thy Food”-Hippocrates
Episode #22
Are you struggling with your health and don't know where to turn? Are you overwhelmed with the amount of information that's out there? How do you know what to trust? With so many different approaches to health, healing, and lifestyle it's difficult to know which one is accurate, not to mention if it will work for you.
The Body: Transforming Diet and Health
Episode #21
We are going to shift gears today from the mind and the mental aspect of transformation into the body. Going through an awakening, having a health crisis, being diagnosed with a chronic illness, or simply wanting to change your lifestyle and feel better, we usually look at diet as a means to begin the healing process.
Clarifying the Stages of Transformation: A Moment to Reflect
Episode #20
Let's look at what the purpose of transformation is and why it seems to take us so long. We'll also focus on the main takeaways from the previous episodes, go over the spiritual confusion that exists, and how to know if we are listening to our ego or our higher self.
Reemergence: Coming Full Circle After a Shift in Consciousness
Episode #19
After subtle or radical shifts in consciousness, there comes a time when you are ready to live a new way of life. Much like a butterfly emerging from the caterpillar's cocoon, you feel completely transformed and ready to see what life is now like in the unchanged world around you.
Letting Go: Easier Said Than Done
Episode #18
"Just Let Go Already!" Have you heard people say this to you? Do you want to let go of something, but you have no idea how? We all have experiences in our lives that create turmoil and heaviness, especially if we don't know how to release them. These situations ultimately guide us to the doorway of letting go.
The Victim: Prisoner of Your Own Mind
Episode #16
Do you ever feel locked in a prison of your own mind? Have you played the victim in your life and now you want out? Being a victim of life's many circumstances is an easy thing to do. When we fall into this role it can become who we are, but does it have to define us our entire life?
Shifting From Thinking to “Feeling”
Episode #15
We are so programmed by our thinking mind that we forget about the intuitive internal computer we all have. Today we will discuss the field of awareness we are living in and how we can become reacquainted with our own intuition, which seems to be lost from today's culture.
Anger and the Resistance to What Is
Episode #14
When we get deep enough into where we DON'T want to be, anger and resistance can become a dominating force in our lives, whether we want it there or not. We may not feel very good during this period, however, can these so-called "bad" emotions be used to help our situation rather than hurt us?
What Happens to Relationships When You Are Not the Same?
Episode #13
Everybody's favorite topic, RELATIONSHIPS! You do not have to be going through any major life change to relate to this topic. We all have different forms of relationships as we live in this world. But, what happens to your relationships when you do not feel the same anymore?
Dark Night of the Soul or Dark Night of the Mind?
Episode #12
No one likes to go into any type of dark time. Especially if it lasts a long time. Our culture does everything in its power to avoid this type of scenario. But what if the darkness is where transformation is possible? What if the dark is the only way to see the light?