Staying Sane in an Insane World
There is no escaping that this world is a dual world. This simply means this is a world of opposites. For every aspect, thought, belief, or preference there is always an opposite to it. There is the dark hidden shadow that exists behind the known, whether we are aware of it or not. That darkness stays present behind the light. Duality can be summed up as a concept meaning there are two, there is subject an object, you can’t have one without the other. Many will suggest that this is the function of the universe and the way in which it balances itself.
What is Real Happiness? Do We Know What it is?
Do you generally consider yourself happy? Is it something you carry within you, or do you feel happiest when your external environment is going the way you wish it to? Are you often discouraged, sad, or depressed when you hear unwanted or shocking information? Do you think you dictate your happiness or are you expecting others to give you the happiness you desire? So many people expect others to behave and act in a certain way, so much so that when they fail to meet this mental imagery in your head, you are devastated.
Mental and Physical Awakening: What’s the Difference?
What is awakening? What does it mean exactly? What are we really talking about? There are many levels to waking up from who you thought yourself to be. When you identify as a separate self, the identity we call ourselves in this world, we are unconscious to the larger field of awareness that we are living in. As consciousness becomes known within us and the unconscious becomes conscious, there is a recognition of these two aspects of the self. The small ego self and the larger field of awareness. They are both existing, like two sides of the same coin.
Intuition: The Human Computer
Have you ever had a sense of knowing something and you had no idea why? Have you ever felt so strongly about what was going to happen, or what you should be doing but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it? Have you had moments of feeling something has already happened before, a sense of deja vu? Most people have experiences in their life when an internal knowing presents itself. Often referred to as a sixth sense, it is the intangible communication we receive and have no idea how it is happening. There are many levels to intuition.
Transforming Anxiety and Depression
Have you ever felt some level of anxiety in your life that prevented you from moving forward? Has your body reacted with the classic fight or flight symptoms leaving you in a trembling panic? Have you felt despair, loneliness, and a heaviness that just won’t go away? Most people have endured some level of these complicated and often confusing emotions, and they are extremely common for most people. However, there is a very negative connotation, a stigma if you will around these feelings.
The Collective vs. The Individual Path Home
It’s been long debated whether the world should operate for the collective benefit or for the individual. Governments argue over which is better and it is still a rampant debate throughout the world. This recurring theme that we need to do what’s best for the greater good even at the expense of the weak or the few that will not survive, then we must do that. Communistic rule in countries such as the Soviet Union, Vietnam, China and many other countries throughout history, believe in the greater good principle with the government leading the way. Other perspectives protect the individual liberties and rights similar to how the US Constitution created the Bill of Rights for the protection of the individual against a potentially tyrannical government.
Ego Death: Losing Yourself and the Illusion of Life
Is something inside of you feeling a little off? Is there a movement within that has caught your attention but you refuse to acknowledge it? Are you actively pushing it into the background. Is something new and unfamiliar knocking on your door? Are you hearing the knock but refuse to see who and what is there? When you sense something brewing within you, but can’t quite understand what it is, yet you know it is there, you begin to sense that things are about to change. Your intuition knows that this profound feeling is pulling you in a direction you are very uncertain about. The unknown experience is now a dominate force in your life, which often creates an underlying fear.
5 Parenting Tips: Shifting Your Awareness to Create a More Peaceful Home
I am not a child therapist or a psychologist of family studies. I don’t have a plaque on the wall with any clinical background, nor do I care to after all the years dealing with my own kids, and still going. But, what I do have, is years of actual experience raising four very different, energetic, opinionated, difficult, passionate, strong-willed children who have taught me more about parenting than I ever thought possible. Not only have my kids been the greatest teachers, but a major shift in consciousness before they were born, which continued for years even during their adolescence, opened the door into another aspect of my mind that allowed me to see things from a completely different perspective.
Parenting: Getting Real With the Chaos
When you first find out you are going to be a parent you may be overwhelmed with a mixed bag of emotions. If you were planning and desiring to have a child the news that you are expecting brings you immense joy. You are thrilled that you’re now going to be a mom or a dad. For others, that have unplanned or surprise pregnancies the news can set off alarm bells and you may be wondering how this is going to work in your life. Are you ready to become a parent?
“The Doer”
This world of survival is also obsessed with various achievements. From a young age we are taught that going through the levels of school expected of us grants us a level of achievement. We are rewarded with a certificate of accomplishment, a cap and gown, some fancy tassels and a robe, you get the picture. We can then venture off to college and apply ourselves in numerous ways, attain associates, bachelors, minors, masters, and doctorate degrees.
Caring What Other People Think: Does it Prevent You From Being You?
Do you care what other people think of you? Do you make decisions based on what others think you should be doing? Or do you do them because it is what you want to do? Are you afraid people won’t like you if you act a certain way? Are you denying who you are because of how you think other people will respond to you? All of these questions get you thinking about how you make decisions in life and if you are living as your most authentic self, or putting on a face to make other people happy yet you are miserable inside?
Is It Personal or Is It Projection?
The world is a stage. And we are the actors. Just like Shakespeare expressed through his plays all of us are dressed up as what we believe ourselves to be and we participate in the world, interacting with others, exchanging glances, verbal exchanges, moments of laughter, moments of sorrow, times of incredible struggle, and all the while we rarely pick up on the fact that we are acting. We are so involved in ourselves, with who think we are in this world that we lose sight of the broader view. It’s like we cannot even see beyond what is right in front of our faces. Do you ever stop and pull back from the micromanagement of life and tap into the larger essence that surrounds us?
Healing Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for the Body, Mind, or Both?
It’s alarming when the body starts sending us signals that something is not right. No matter what unusual, painful, uncomfortable, or even silent symptoms you may experience, it sends an immediate message of fear deep within us. This can send the mind into an equally disturbing panic, and in many cases, the mental stress can be worse than the physical. Whether your body is suddenly presenting you with alarming symptoms, or if you have been interested in food and diet,
Clarifying the Stages: A Moment to Reflect
After describing the various stages of transformation and what can happen to you when you being to wake up, let’s take a moment and go over some of the key concepts previously discussed. We began looking at purification, opening the door of the mind, and beginning to view life with the observer. From there we transitioned into merging, isolation, contemplation, and the dark night of the soul, fear and darkness, letting go, and finally reemerging back into life.
Reemergence: Coming Full Circle After A Shift in Consciousness
During any kind of shift in awareness, there comes a time when you feel the waters calm a bit. What may have felt like a lifetime of tsunamis and category-five hurricane encounters has washed you ashore brand new. This newness inside of you may take some getting used to depending on the perceptual shift you have experienced.
Letting Go: Easier Said Than Done
“Just LET IT GO!” Isn’t that what we all hear? Come on, just let go of it already! Well, if it were that easy, we’d all be doing it, wouldn’t we? As much as we may desire to let go of something in our life, something that is keeping us from moving on or seeing clearly, we seem to repeat the same patterns over and over again without even realizing it. The real question becomes, why are we not allowing ourselves the ability to see? Why are we keeping what is clearly not working alive and well in our life? Even if we are able to see what is happening and the creatures of habit that we are, why can’t we let it go?
Fear: A Relevant Part of the Process
One of the most repeated phrases you will hear in the world of self-discovery is “Don’t Go to Fear, Only Go to Love.” That sounds lovely, doesn’t it? If only it were that simple. Fear is often misunderstood and preached by many teachers to avoid it, to not look at it, and to only be the LOVE you are. Well, what does that even mean? How do we know the LOVE we are? What relevance, if any, does fear have in our lives? It seems most of us are lost on an unknown path just trying to figure it out.
The Victim: Prisoner of Your Own Mind
Name a time in your life when something went terribly wrong. At this moment it was not your fault, you were simply the victim of the accident, the abuse, or the circumstance of an event that was completely out of your hands. This happens all the time. In the world of duality, there is the victimizer, and the victim, the attacker, and the attacked, the threatener, and the threatened. Unfortunately, this world is set up that way. There will always be the opposite experience on the other side of the coin.
Shifting From Thinking To “Feeling”
For some people, awakening goes beyond the mental shift in consciousness and enters the physical realm. You may begin to feel different types of energy enter your physical body and energy system. Instead of thinking your way through life, which is where most of us are, you begin to open up to “feeling” your way through life, and we are not talking about feeling emotional either.
The Dark Night Of The Soul or The Dark Night Of The Mind?
No one wants to suffer. No one wants to go to the depths of hell. I think it’s safe to say that none of us as children thought about how wonderful it would be to lose control of our lives and have no idea what was happening to us? As the child, we are the dreamer, the imagination is dominant, we fantasize how we want our lives to be. We are the creator of our future selves, and as children, some of us access this aspect of the mind much more than others. To be clear, this is the mind exploring in creation.